
Showing posts from December, 2024

Three WMAL members set four new indoor track records.

Three WMAL members set four new indoor track records. Report by Don Hale.   Chris Pruski, the records co-ordinator for Welsh Masters Athletics Ltd (WMAL), has just handed out four new Welsh Mastersā€™ record certificates to three exceptional athletes after their times were noted and later verified. They include Cardiff AC W35 athlete  Samantha Gamble  who achieved two separate records in the 60m and 400m events, in addition to M35 athlete  Michael Dickens  (Telford AC), who created a new record in the 60m, and M55 athlete  Geoff Brimble  (Newport Harriers), who also claimed a new record for the 3000m. Samanthaā€™s  WMAL records were set at the Indoor 200m race on 25/2/24 at Lee Valley of 27.55i, and for the 400m at Nuneaton of 60.89 seconds on 31/7/22. Michael Dickens  set his 60m indoor record in Torun, Poland, on 27/3/23, with a time of 7.23 seconds, whilst  Geoff Brimble ...

British Masters Indoor Pentathlon & 3000m Championships EIS, Sheffield, S9 5DA on 26/1/25.

  British Masters Indoor Pentathlon/3000m/open events.. Entries now open to all for Sheffield event in 26th January. British Masters Indoor Pentathlon & 3000m Championships EIS, Sheffield, S9 5DA. Peter Kennedy from the  BMAF has just confirmed the following details regarding the indoor meeting at Sheffield on 26/1/25. Dear Masters Athletes,   The priority we gave to those who previously expressed interest in the event has now ended. There has been a good response with 200 entries to date, but there are still slots available in the open events: 60m, 200m, 800m, 2000m Race Walk, Long Jump, Triple Jump, Shot, High Jump, and  4 x 200m relays. There is no limit on   championship entries for Pentathlon and 3000m .   We need a large turnout to make it financially viable and we need to prove this is possible this year in order to assure its future.  The faciliti...

Good turn-out at Conwy parkrun for the last event of the other results.

*Steve Gardner (*above), finished well at Conwy and won his age cat. Good turn-out at Conwy parkrun for the last event of other results. Report by Don Hale.   There was a good turn-out of over three-hundred mixed ability entrants at Conwy parkrun last Saturday morning for the final event of 2024, with many club and social athletes travelling from far afield. Thankfully, the weather was near perfect, which was in stark contrast to the previous week, and it remained a good festive atmosphere as runners looked forward to the New Year celebrations. North Wales Road Runners  entered thirteen members and recorded four age category victories and two new course PBs. Gold medal winning track athlete  Steve Gardner , fresh from his success in the Welsh Masters indoor 3000m championships, made a rare parkrun appearance and led the team home in 8th place overall with a new PB of 19 minutes and 11 seconds, to win his VM60 cat. Steve was clo...

The Boxing Day Sea Dip was a record-breaking success in the sunshine for Llandudno Lions, and a great boost for hundreds of varied charities.

*Above and below  - a bird's eye view of the Lions Boxing Day Sea Dip. The Boxing Day Sea Dip was a record-breaking success in the sunshine for Llandudno Lions, and a great boost for hundreds of varied charities. Report by Don Hale.   The Boxing Day Sea Dip was a record-breaking success for the Llandudno Lions Club with huge crowds, a massive entry of dippers, and loads of money raised for charity. Over six-hundred fancy dress entrants joined in with the fun and made a huge splash as they dipped their toes into the sea off Llandudno beach, watched by thousands of cheering spectators last Thursday morning for this popular annual charity event, which this year was also blessed by unusually warm sunshine and a bright blue sky! Well organised by the Lions Club , and promoted by both  John Chambers, and MC John Hatton , records tumbled at every turn, with officials confirming that thousands of pounds were raised for their two chosen charities,...

England Masters Athletics Association timetable for 16th Feb Inter-area events at Lee Valley Indoor centre

                                                   E n g l an d   Ma s t e r s   At h let i c s   As s oc i at i o n   I n t e r - Ar e a Ind oo r s T r ac k a n d F iel d C h a l l en g e 20 2 5  L ee Valley Athletics Cen tre,  Edmonton N9 0AR   Sunday, 16th February 2025.   Provisional TIME T ABLE: O nly the following spikes are allowed on the indoor track, Omnilite Ceramic Pyramid or Christmas Tree 5 or 7 mm; Steel Christmas Tree 6mm, Steel RT Compression 6m m .   Tr ack timetable: 10:00:       60m hurdles   M35 M50 M60. 10:30:       60m   hu r d le s. W35   ( W40 h eig h t s) W50/W60.  11:00:     1500m   W35 W50 W60 W70. 11:40:   1500m M35 M50 M60 M70. 1...


*The start of the 2024 Deganwy Dash with Jonathan Kettle and the leaders. LAST 80 ENTRIES AVAILABLE FOR THE 2025 DEGANWY DASH & ROHAN'S CHARITY RUN... FRIDAY 30th May 2025 START TIME 7PM. *Pictured above - Deganwy Dash race organisers John Hatton and Carla Green John and Carlaā€™s Deganwy Dash voted the ā€˜Best Sporting Event of the Year 2024,ā€™ and raised thousands for Children's Cancer Charities... Don Hale Blog: John and Carlaā€™s Deganwy Dash voted the ā€˜Best Spor... Report by Don Hale. FRIDAY 30th May 2025 START TIME 19:00 ***STOP PRESS/URGENT UPDATE: The last 80 places are  available for this year's Deganwy Dash, so hurry and book your place asap, as there is a 350 max limit. RACE LICENCE APPLIED FO...

Keen competition at Conwy parkrun despite the challenging conditions.

*Pictured above - a splashing start for the leaders at last Saturday's Conwy parkrun. Keen competition at Conwy parkrun despite the challenging conditions... Report by Don Hale. Photos by John Hatton.   Numbers were down at Conwy parkrun last Saturday morning due to the Christmas shopping rush, combined with some very challenging weather conditions. And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, the riverside course was flooded again and resembled a cross between a swamp and a tough 5k cross-country course, yet it still created a great festive atmosphere, with many of the near two-hundred mixed ability entrants wearing their traditional fancy dress outfits. Despite a strong blustery wind and drizzly rain there were still some good times recorded and the first athlete back was  Morgan Kendall  (Meirionnydd RC), dressed in his famous Banana-man kit once more, and he faced a keen battle with rival  Cai ...