
Showing posts with the label westerville


Danuta Reah, Don Hale and Stephen Booth at a US library during their book tour THREE BRITISH AUTHORS AND A TROUBLESOME LIMO HIT THE ROAD IN THE AMERICAN MID-WEST DURING THEIR PROMOTIONAL BOOK TOUR This new introductory update is written by Don Hale, and the following report is reprinted by kind permission from Danuta Reahā€™s own blog: It is the nostalgic archive story of a memorable and amusing book promotion trip to America in June 2003, that I was fortunate to attend with best-selling authors Danuta Reah and Stephen Booth.   This was an exhaustive journey across numerous States, travelling across many confusing time-zones, flying in rickety planes in terrible turbulence, or driving for hours on end in a very confusing limousine, which always had a mind of its own, and yet thankfully never seemed to need much gas! Written originally by Danuta on her own blog, this week, I suddenly discovered a pack of old photographs from our tour, at which we gave endles...