Major changes for the Masters' Inter-Area T&F Championships at Nuneaton, plus details of the draft timetable for this event…

*Pictured above - The Pingles Athletics Track at Nuneaton. Major changes for the Masters' Inter-Area T&F Championships at Nuneaton, plus details of the draft timetable for this event… England Masters’ Athletics Inter-Area Track & Field Challenge. Sunday 6th August 2023. Pingles Athletics Track, Avenue Road, Nuneaton C114LX. Introduction by Don Hale. Brett Davis, a director of Welsh Masters Athletics Ltd (WMAL) has just received confirmation from event officials of some important changes and updates to the rules for all athletes hoping to compete in the forthcoming England Masters’ Inter-Area Track & Field Challenge at Nuneaton, on 6th August. I have included the list of the relevant changes within this article (*see below), together with a draft timetable of all the events from this exciting competition. It is essential however, that all potential participants s...