
Showing posts with the label British Masters AGM

Annual General Meeting of the British Masters Athletic Federation - Saturday 25th November 2023.

Notice of Annual General Meeting on Saturday 25 November 2023 at 11.00am by Zoom. Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the British Masters Athletic Federation will take place on Saturday 25 November 2023.    The meeting will be held on ā€œZoomā€ and joining details will be circulated later. The Agenda for the meeting will be circulated at a later date.  Any items for the Agenda should be submitted to the Hon Secretary as soon as possible, and on or before 25 October 2023. *Just to clarify, the November meeting is the British Masters Athletics AGM, the October meeting is the BMAF services AGM.    Please Note:   BMAF Constitution All members of Constituent Associations and Clubs may attend the AGM and vote.  A two thirds majority is required for amendments to the constitution, other motions a simple majority. The notice of the AGM must be given at least 60 days prior to th...