
Showing posts with the label Nevada

Daniel runs the Lovell Canyon - Labour of Love 10k in Nevada - plus other results on the road.

  *Daniel Hennell (*above) is pictured after his 10k race in Lovell Canyon. Other Another busy weekend with our results on the road by Don Hale. *America:  NWRRC member  Daniel Hennell  went on his travels to  Las Vegas  last week and took part in his first international race in the  Labour of Love 10k  race in Lovell Canyon, Nevada. He ran well in this challenging event and finished 9th overall and 3rd in his M40-49 age cat in 53.19.  After the event, he confirmed: ā€œThe Labour of Love 10k. This was my first race at altitude (about 4,500ft elevation). It was really cold at the start, but it soon warmed up nicely. My chip time was 53.19.ā€ *The Lovell Canyon sign (*above left), with part of the course in Nevada. *Hunstanton: Ben  and  Sarah Ferguson  Hudson also went on their parkrun travels again last weekend and enjoyed some good performances in the  Hunstanton promenade parkrun  in Norfolk. Ben was 5...