
Showing posts with the label Mid Cheshire 5k

Unique double in two very different but fast 5k races for Will other race results.

*Will Williams (*above) at the Mid Cheshire 5k race last Friday. Unique double in two very different but fast 5k races for Will other race results... Report by Don Hale.    North Wales Road Runner Will Williams completed a unique double last weekend by competing in two very different and extremely fast 5k races and claimed two sub-18-minute finishes. Last Friday night  Will   Williams  competed in the Mid Cheshire 5k dash and was delighted with another course PB in an amazing time of just 17 minutes and 33 seconds.  Despite this superb result, however, Will still finished in 327th place out of nearly 700 elite athletes with the first thirty-seven runners incredibly dipping under fifteen minutes in an ultra-fast race. Quite remarkably,  Jack Gray  (Cambridge & Coleridge) won the race in 13.58 ,  and  Nic Brook  (Eryri Harriers) also competed, and finished 258th in 16.56. Following his Cheshire race,  Will rem...

Fast times for club trio at Mid-Cheshire 5k race.

*Martin Green (*pictured above) recorded a great time at 5k race. Fast times for club trio at Mid-Cheshire 5k race. Report by Don Hale.   Three Road Runners competed in the Mid-Cheshire 5k road race last Friday night which proved to be another ultra-fast event for a host of top club and elite athletes. Run over a course known for its speedy times and personal best results, the race attracted 848 finishers for this popular summer challenge. Just thirty-seconds eventually separated the first ten finishers, and incredibly, some twenty-eight athletes all dipped under fifteen-minutes! *Will Williams (*above left) with Harry Driscoll. Martin Green  was the first NWRRC man home in 124th place in a superb time of 16 minutes and 10 seconds, and yet he was 7th in his MV45 age cat.  Will Williams  was delighted with his time of 17.39 in 289th place, with  Harry Driscoll  364th following another excellent run in 18.52. The overall race was won by Adam Craig in just 14....