Carla Green starred for Wales in Home Nations 10k race at Tenby.
*NWRRC athlete Carla Green (*above right) with her international colleague Ann d'Albuquerque from GOG Triathlon at the Home Nations race at Tenby. Carla Green starred for Wales in Home Nations 10k race at Tenby and finished 2nd in her age category. Report by Don Hale. Road Runner Carla Green starred for Wales in an international 10k race last weekend and finished 2nd in her respective age category during a controversial Home-Nations tournament at Tenby Carla turned in a spectacular performance and put her recent injury woes behind her to claim 2nd place in her FV50 age category, whilst club colleague Richard Eccles unfortunately faced disqualification along with others following a mix-up over an alleged misdirection claim towards the finish of his 5k race, with much criticism later aimed at the event organisers. Carla Green ran home in 53rd place overall and she was the 13th female in the 10k race in 41 minutes 42 seconds amongst 388 entrants, w...