
Showing posts with the label welsh track champs cancelled

SEE NEW UPDATE (16/7/23): New venue approved: The Welsh T&F championships at Aberdare on 29th July have been cancelled!

URGENT NOTICE: Rod Davies from Welsh Masters Athletics has just confirmed (11//7/23) the following disappointing news. NEW UPDATE: breaking news - Don Hale Blog: New venue for Welsh Masters Outdoor T & F Champion... WELSH T&F CHAMPIONSHIPS AT ABERDARE ARE CANCELLED. Please add a notice to our website to the effect that the Track and Field Championships at Aberdare on 29th July are regretfully cancelled. Problems with the facility added to a shortage of officials made them unviable. Regards, Rod Davies. *Pictured (*above and top) the Ron Jones Stadium at Aberdare. Don Hale Blog: Avon/Yate AC Masters Open 2023. Saturday 12th August.