Bumper turn-out at Conwy parkrun despite saturated course...plus other results.
*Jonathan Kettle (*above) enjoyed an easy run at Conwy. Bumper turn-out at Conwy parkrun despite saturated course...plus other results. Report by Don Hale. Photos by Steve Jeffery. https://donhaleblog.blogspot.com Ten North Wales Road Runners were amongst a bumper turn-out of over three-hundred entrants at the Conwy parkrun last Saturday with the usual numbers boosted due to a local half-marathon event the following day. This popular annual race, well organised by RunWales , always attracts a massive following and ensures this particular parkrun date records one of the busiest days of the year, as many athletes utilise this event as an ideal warm-up. After the parkrun however, it was hoped that most of the participants had a change of footwear available, as once again, this saturated riverside 5k course dominated proceedings, and made the narrow, twisty, riverside route quite a challenge, especially with so many visiting runners. NWRRC members were r...