Positive news about award winning mountain racer Mark Davies following a devastating hit and run incident last January…

Positive news about award winning mountain racer Mark Davies following a devastating hit and run incident last January… *Special report by Don Hale. https://donhaleblog.blogspot.com Thankfully, there has been some positive news this week about the award-winning mountain racer and fell runner Mark Davies who was seriously injured during a devastating hit and run incident close to his home near Llandudno last January. *Mark in yellow vest (*above) pictured with fellow competitors in the Swiss Mountain 360 race. Mark (48), who is a member of the North Wales Road Running club, and is also a top Welsh Master ultra-distance competitor, has faced extensive medical treatment at a specialist injury hospital in Stoke following the incident on 28th January, when he was in collision with a VW Polo. This led to a lengthy period in a coma, and an operation on his legs, and during this period, Mark’s friend Darrel Lewis launched a special fundraising appeal via a GoFundMe page which raise...