
Showing posts with the label clean sweep for John Hatton

John Hatton performed a clean sweep at a waterlogged Conwy parkrun.

  *John Hatton (*above)  performed a clean sweep at Conwy parkrun to help reduce numerous large puddles at the start of a waterlogged course. Report by Don Hale.   Over two-hundred mixed ability runners took part in last Saturdayā€™s Conwy parkrun, but once again they had to contend with very muddy and waterlogged conditions underfoot, with the start area only improved late on due to volunteer John Hatton sweeping out some of the large puddles! Johnā€™s determined action with a stiff brush improved the safety of this popular event, and for the second time in recent weeks, only the innovative actions of willing individuals meant this popular run could begin on time!  *Pictured above - Hard working NWRRC official and parkrun volunteer, and MC John Hatton, sweeps  the puddles at Conwy parkrun.  ( *Photo credit Michael Finnie ). Despite the challenging conditions, this run attracted several top juniors, and senior athletes, who ran hard to record new course PBā€™s, a...