
Showing posts with the label Carla Heath

Mother's Love - a dramatic and inspirational new book by Carla Heath - Special Coast and Country Author Spotlight Feature.

*Pictured above  - Carla Heath - with her dramatic new book Mother's Love. Special Coast and Country Author Spotlight Feature. Welcome to another new author feature in conjunction with Amazon.   Motherā€™s Love by Carla Heath.   Published by North Wales based firm: *Read Carlaā€™s fascinating new book which is now available on Amazon via this link: ABOUT THE AUTHOR : Motherā€™s Love by Carla Heath.   This is a personal experience of the journey of the author life growing up.  I felt I needed to share my story for others who may have encountered a troubled childhood and give them inspiration and encouragement that you can turn things around and overcome difficulties to thrive when you are an adult and accomplish your own personal aspirations and goals. This book reaches out to wide audience who enjoy real life stories. It is in my own words. It is a story that is raw an...