Podium places for two North Wales Road Runners.
*Master veteran Peter Armstrong with teenager Mia Morris at Denbigh. Podium places for two North Wales Road Runners. Report by Don Hale. Photos by Rachel Morris. Two North Wales Road Runners competed in the Denbigh Evening 5k race last Wednesday and both won deserved age-related podium place positions. Although there were considerable differences in the ages between young teenager Mia Morris , and master veteran Peter Armstrong , both athletes turned in highly creditable performances on a cool, windy, and very hilly course around Denbigh, to claim top finishing positions. Peter won his MV70-74 age category finishing 13th overall in 25 minutes 16 seconds, and 16-year-old Mia was 25th overall and 9th female runner, whilst also claiming 3rd place in an extended U21 age cat in 28.19. Peter Armstrong (*above) won his VM70-74 age cat and (below) teenager Mia Morris was 3rd in her respective age category at the Denbigh Evening 5k race. This final evening race of the season a...