MARK DAVIES UPDATE: Drunk woman drove off after throwing man '6ft in the air' in hit-and-run Llandudno crash

*Pictured above - Mark Davies from NWRRC and Welsh Masters Athletics, received life threatening injuries after being hit by a drunken, hit and run female driver in January. The Daily Post have just reported on the initial court case (17/8/23) involving hit and run victim Mark Davies, a Welsh Masters Athlete, and a popular North Wales Road Runner. Mark was also an award-winning mountain racing champion, who suffered life threatening injuries due to the actions of a drunk driver. This report is presented courtesy of the newspaper: My previous blog articles contain further information: *Blog post 27/3/23: Don Hale Blog: Positive news about award winning mountain racer M... *Blog post 6/2/23: Don Hale Blog: Mountain runner Mark Davies continues his battle f... *Blog...