
Showing posts with the label British Masters Cross country champs

Entries open for British Masters Cross-country champs at Rhug.

British Masters Cross Country championships RHUG FARM, CORWEN, DENBIGHSHIRE,  NORTH WALES LL21 0EH, CORWEN 16 MAR 2024. BMAF Cross Country Championships -Rhug 16 March Bernie Jones, the secretary of the NW Cross-country league, is urging local runners to enter the British Masters championships at Rhug, near Corwen. The BMAF Cross Country Championships are being held at Rhug on 16 March and is a great opportunity for all North Wales athletes over 35 years old to try and win a medal in their age group at these British Championships which are being held on our door. You DO NOT have to be a Masters member; anyone over 35 is eligible to enter. Letā€™s see some North Walians get amongst the medals. Entry via the following link: Contact Details: Please contact the organiser, not OpenTrack, for all queries.