New field volunteers wanted for Welsh Masters Athletics events – with Tempo time credits offered as a reward!

New field volunteers wanted for Welsh Masters Athletics events – with Tempo time credits offered as a reward! Report by Don Hale. Welsh Masters Athletics are looking for some new field volunteers to help-out at some future WMAL championship events. Chris Pruski from WMAL says he is looking for at least ten new recruits to assist him at various events and confirmed that he is now able to offer some special incentives, such as special Tempo time credits! He explained: “I set up Tempo time credits to recruit volunteers for WMAL champs, however with so many cancellations this season, I was unable to recruit any. “I would like to recruit at least ten for indoor events, and then for next season. WMAL will need admin, as well as field volunteers. “The v olunteers can sign up (*via the link below ), attend our events, and then obtain credits to the available offers including days out, sh...