Nine podium places and seven age category wins at Ruthin parkrun.

*Carla and Martin Green (*above) both recorded all time PBs at Ruthin. Nine podium places and seven age category wins at Ruthin parkrun... Report by Don Hale. North Wales Road Runners took nine members to the Ruthin parkrun last Saturday morning to complete in another 5k club championship event as a replacement for a recently cancelled race and celebrated with unprecedented success! The team performed well again with all nine runners claiming podium places and seven also won their respective age categories, and many additionally recorded all-time PBs, as they made their debuts at this relatively new venue staged at the Memorial Playing Fields. In another very fast-paced encounter Martin Green was the first male runner home, and his wife Carla Green finished as the first female runner, with both additionally celebrating new parkrun all time PBs. Martin ran in his 100th parkrun event and he knocked a couple of seconds off his previous best time to fini...