Some interesting comments about cross-country courtesy of Cybi Striders...

North Wales Cross Country League Some interesting comments about cross-country courtesy of Cybi Striders... Most of us think of Cross Country (XC) as being wet, muddy and one of those PE lessons we used to try and avoid at all costs. However, the NWXC league is quite different (apart from the mud!) The league runs over 5 events from October to February across North Wales and Shropshire with a variety of clubs in attendance, and runners of all styles and speeds taking part. Whilst there is a club element to the league, the individual competition is the main draw for many runners. Some runners even turn up to be the only club representative in some rounds, especially where they clash with other events! The XC rounds are held on Saturday afternoons; juniors in the morning. The first event starts at 1pm and is the Women, U17 Men and over 65 Men competing over courses of roughly 4 miles. The Senior Men start at 2pm and g...