
Showing posts with the label Over 60s masters

Research project about Over 60s Master athletes:

Claudio Merkier : Research project about Over 60s Master athletes: FAO of the over-60s masters: From Claudio Merkier. As most of you know, I am doing a research project with LSBU with over-60s track and field athletes. Data collection for the first phase of this project is an anonymous online survey and it includes 45 closed-ended questions.  The results will help to understand more about the over-60s athleteā€™s demographic profile, training methods, injury history, and management. It takes 15 minutes to fill out. If you haven't completed the survey your participation is fully appreciated and will make the results more representative. These are the access details: Password: MasterAthlete60+ Data collection for the survey will finish by 30/04/23. Many thanks for your kind support. LSBU.ONLINESURVEYS.AC.UK Master Track and Field Athletes Perceptions of Chiropractic Care and Manual Therapies