Unique WMAL opportunity and special webinar offer about Men’s Health...with Elite82 and experts.

Unique WMAL opportunity and special webinar offer about Men’s Health...with Elite82 and experts. https://donhaleblog.blogspot.com www.welshmastersathletics.co.uk Welsh Masters Athletics are promoting a unique Men’s Health opportunity provided by Elite82, who are a local company based in South Wales, and are a High Performance and Movement specialist. They are running an informative webinar on Tuesday 5th December between 7pm-8.30pm, and WMAL have arranged a special offer for interested persons, including a 10% discount deal! In addition, there is an Early Bird offer with the sale ending on 24th November, of just £20, less the special discount for registrations. *Check out the details of this special seminar on the link below: https://www.elite82.co.uk/event-details/mens-health-the-facts-around-testosterone Men's Health: The facts around testosterone: About the event: All questions answered by a qualified physician. Male Hormone Cycle - Testost...