ABOUT THE AUTHOR: North-East author and historian Ian Ansell Marshall - Special Coast and Country Author Spotlight Feature

*Pictured above - North East historian and author Ian Ansell Marshall. Special Coast and Country Author Spotlight Feature Welcome to another new author feature in conjunction with Amazon. ABOUT THE AUTHOR : North-East author and historian Ian Ansell Marshall... Published by North Wales based firm: www.bookpublishing4u.co.uk About the author: Ian Ansell Marshall. I am Ian, the youngest of five boys and the only one to be born in London as my parents moved there from Yorkshire. I went to a comprehensive school in London, gained "A" levels in the Humanities and went on to a college in London where I gained a BA and a teaching degree. My childhood memories centre around reading and I was taken by my mother to the library every week, sometimes twice. As a teenager, my passion for reading remained but I also played football to a decent level and then found the wonders of the guitar. I only have 7 but each one is specific to the music I play...