WELSH INTER REGIONS - North Wales cross-country team selections.

WELSH INTER REGIONS - North Wales cross-country team selections. Report courtesy of Bernie Jones. North Wales Teams have been drawn up based on the first North Wales League fixture and other recent performances and taking into account those who said they were not available. A team list is available via the following link : http://www.northwalesxc.com/.../10/Inter-Regional-2023.xlsx Please can you confirm your availability with the Team Managers. If you feel you should have been included and are available please also contact them. A full timetable and copy of the course maps is available here: http://www.northwalesxc.com/.../Welsh-Inter-Schools-Inter... North Wales are helping host the event in Newtown so it would be fantastic if we can get the best teams out possible. If you require any further information let me know Bernie Jones Secretary