LATEST UPDATE: Talented teenager Oshi Adey finally raises over £5.5K by his 100km ultra-charity challenge.

OSHI ADEY RAISES OVER £5.5K BY COMPLETING HIS 100KM CHALLENGE. Following my recent blog post about the talented teenage student Oshi Adey, who ran an incredible 100kms around the athletic track at Eirias Park at Colwyn Bay, his mother Catherine Humphrys, today confirmed that his efforts have now raised over £5,500 for the charity Kitchen Table Charities Trust (KTCT). She said: “Oshi is closing his GoFundMe page today - he raised £2,510, and my dad put in another £3,000 (a rather generous matching!), so he's over the £5.5k mark.That's p retty good for a few hours running round in circles. Thanks for getting the story out there ." *READ THE FULL STORY ON MY PREVIOUS BLOG (*SEE BELOW): *Oshi Adey (*above) completed a gruelling 100k charity run in North Wales. Talented teenage student Oshi Adey completes 100k track challenge for charity... Report by Don Hale. A talented teenage...