Fast times by Road Runners at Lake Vyrnwy half-marathon - plus other race results...
*(PICTURED ABOVE): The NW Road Running team at Lake Vyrnwy (*back row l-r), Sue Smith, Kevin Higgins, Ben Hudson, Stuart Culverhouse, and John Dalzell, and (*front row), Nicola Wylie, Mandy Owen, Kelly Alford and Sarah Hudson. Fast times by Road Runners at Lake Vyrnwy half-marathon - plus other race results... Report by Don Hale. Nine Road Runners tackled the revised Lake Vyrnwy half-marathon last Sunday with many athletes amongst the 800 plus entrants celebrating superb times in near perfect conditions. Endurance star John Dalzell was the first club man home in 122nd place in 1 hour 28 minutes and 36 seconds, closely followed by Stuart Culverhouse , who was thrilled to go sub-90 minutes after his 37th attempt, finally finishing in 125th place in 1.28.47. Ben Hudson also had a good run out and finished in 158th place in 1.32.33, but his wife Sarah Hudson was the outstanding star of the team knocking an amazing nine-minutes off her previou...