
Showing posts with the label Welsh track and field championships

TEMPO TIME CREDITS APPEAL - by Chris Pruski at Welsh Masters Athletics (WMAL).

TEMPO TIME CREDITS APPEAL - Message from Chris Pruski  at Welsh Masters Athletics (WMAL), about Tempo by Don Hale. Chris Pruski from Welsh Masters Athletics is requesting that all athletes and volunteers who are planning to take part in Welsh Masters Championship events should sign up with Tempo Time. He explained: ā€œIā€™ve been working on this for a while and hope that we can get lots of people signed up so we can get the scheme underway. This will help all members, athletes, supporters, and WMAL, to be able to continue providing essential sporting championship events as we begin to build an essential support network. ā€œI will be sending a letter to contacts I have at various clubs, but the more people we can contact, the better are the chances that we can get this going, and they donā€™t need to be WMAL members. ā€œThere is also an Event Academy Initiative and I have a meeting with them next week ā€“ on Thursday...