
Showing posts with the label Denbigh harriers

Popular Fairy Freckled Cow trail race cancelled at short notice.

Popular Fairy Freckled Cow trail race cancelled. Report by Don Hale. The popular Denbigh Harriers organised Fairy Freckled Cow Trail Race around the Alwen Reservoir for 2023 has sadly had to be cancelled at short notice!  An event official confirmed on Monday (19/6/23) that Natural Resources Wales (The leaseholder from Welsh Water of land around the Alwen) is not willing to issue a permit to use the tracks and footpaths used during the race.  Without this permission the race cannot be held this year and all participants who have already registered and paid for the race will be refunded their entry fee. This race was scheduled to be part of the regional North Wales trail championships. For next year Denbigh Harriers are confident of meeting Natural Resources Walesā€™ stricter criteria and that permission to run the race will be granted for 7th July 2024.  

Hardy runners tackled Fairy Freckled Cow trail race

*Another good run from Kay Hatton around Alwen  Reservoir . Hardy runners tackled Fairy Freckled Cow trail race Report by Don Hale. Photographs by Steve Jeffery.   Ninety-five hardy runners tackled the challenging but very picturesque Fairy Freckled Cow trail race around Alwen Reservoir last Sunday, which was staged by kind permission from Welsh Water and Natural Resources Wales. This year the event, run over a near 7-mile undulating course and well organised by Denbigh Harriers, also included the North Welsh Championships, and attracted club members from varied parts of Wales and the UK. Kay Hatton  and  Mike Hayton  were the only representatives from NWRRC, due to other fixture clashes, but both seemed pleased with their performances despite a tough run and the warm and humid conditions.  Kay finished as the 14th female runner, 53rd overall and she was 2nd in her W55 age category in 57 minutes 45 seconds. At the time of writing, Kay was awaiting con...