Entries now open for 2022 Nick Beer 10k race

Early registration is recommended for this special 30th anniversary run of the Nick Beer 10k run. The race will be held on Sunday 13th February 2022, with a start time of 12-noon. Report by Don Hale. Photographs by Steve Jeffrey. *Entries have just gone live for the 2022 running of the NICK BEER 30th Anniversary race. Early registration is recommended as this popular event is likely to attract a very large entry due this particular key anniversary, and the organisers confirm they have already received some inquiries from abroad. *PLEASE USE THIS LINK TO REGISTER FOR THE 2022 NICK BEER 10K RACE: https://secure.onreg.com/onreg2/front/step1.php?id=5402 n *Martin Green in the colours of North Wales finished 7th in the 2021 Nick Beer race. This annual event always attracts many hundreds of runners of mixed ages and abilities from across the UK, and beyond, to enjoy the scenic splendours of a hilly but picturesque course around the Great Orme. Starting and finishing on...