
Showing posts with the label British Masters XC races

British Masters International Cross-Country races in Belfast.

The British Masters International Cross-Country races in Belfast. Report by Ifan Lloyd.   The British Masters cross country international is my most cherished cross-country event of the year. Always an honour to represent my country and wear the red of Wales.  And a very special day it was in Belfast last Saturday to take first place and gold in the men 65-69 age category. Itā€™s taken 25 years since my first race in this event back in 1999 to win an individual gold medal.  I had always aspired but never quite achieved. It was also special to compete against such great athletes in my race. It doesnā€™t get easier as you progress up the age categories!          *Pictured above and right, Welsh Master Ifan Lloyd with his medal and shown tackling a large hill at the Belfast cross country races. A special shout out to my team-mates from Wales: Gordon Jones, Dave Watson, and  John Foster...