
Showing posts with the label Rhys Jones

Winner Gavin Roberts broke the V40 record at the Dolgarrog Pipe Dream fell race...

*Pictured above - the  tough climb for runners at the Pipe Dream race. Winner Gavin Roberts broke V40 record at the Dolgarrog Pipe Dream fell race... Report and photos courtesy of race official Craig Jones.   Last Saturday (St Davidā€™s Day, March 1st) saw the very  successful  completion of the challenging  21st Dolgarrog Pipe Dream fell race, and the first counter of the North Wales Series.  It was a record turnout, with 139 runners in total. The weather was perfect, with sunny skies and no wind, and a course that was ideal underfoot. Gavin Roberts  ( Calder Valley ), won overall, breaking the V40 record, taking 44 seconds off the mark set by Math Roberts last year. Gavin ran home in 33.26. Placed third overall by the top of the steps, he overhauled the front two to take the lead and the win.  Kieran Wynne-Cattanach  was 2nd in 34.05, with  Rhys Jones  ( Hebog ) 3rd in 34.31. The ladies race was won ...

The Nick Beer 10k proved a huge success for runners and charities - plus a unique photo special on a very cold day.

*Pictured above - the race leader Rhys Jones being chased by the pack, and (*below), the massed range of hundreds of runners provided a spectacular sight. The Nick Beer 10k proved a huge success for runners and charities... plus a unique photo special on a very cold day. *Report and main photos by Don Hale.  Additional photos by John Hatton, and Hannah Griffith. *Many of the marshals and volunteers are shown ready for action. The 33rd Annual Nick Beer Memorial 10k race proved another huge success for event organisers Always Aim High, the 744 finishers, and for a host of local charities, despite the bitterly cold weather and a blustery wind around the Great Orme. Rhys Jones  ( Rhedwyr Hebog Runners ) led from start to finish around this tough and very challenging course, and he ran home along Llandudno promenade to win in just 33 minutes and 9 seconds, but he was pushed all the way by rivals  Simon Cole ...