Conwy parkrun celebrated the 75th anniversary of the NHS with birthday cake and welcomed a top track star to this challenging 5k course!

*Jonathan Kettle (*above) finished 2nd at Conwy but won his MV45 age cat. Conwy parkrun celebrated the 75th anniversary of the NHS with birthday cake and welcomed a top track star to this challenging 5k course! Report by Don Hale . Almost two-hundred-and fifty people took part in the Conwy parkrun last Saturday, which also celebrated the 75th anniversary of the NHS, and was well supported by a large team from Porth Eirias Runners, who provided numerous volunteers, marshals, and some special birthday cake! *Bethan Wyn Roberts (*front centre) with members of the Porth Eirias Runners who did such a great job volunteering and supporting Conwy parkrun for the NHS 75th anniversary. The event proved to be another hot and humid affair with visiting runners travelling from many parts of the UK, and even from as far away as Australia, to enjoy the splendours of this scenic course. And one such experienced traveller was a top i...