ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Northern Ireland author – Eileen McCourt - Special Coast and Country Author Spotlight Feature

*Pictured above - prolific Northern Ireland author Eileen McCourt Special Coast and Country Author Spotlight Feature Welcome to a new author feature in conjunction with Amazon. (1). Report by Don Hale: https://donhaleblog.blogspot.com Eileen McCourt is a retired schoolteacher of English and History with a master’s degree in history from University College Dublin. She is a prolific author, writer, and researcher, and she has now completed over 50 varied books which have all been published by the popular North Wales based company www.bookpublishing4u.co.uk Eileen lives in Northern Ireland, and her very first book ‘Living the Magic - Connecting the physical and spiritual worlds’ was published in 2014. It received much praise and numerous 5-star reviews. Her books have also been featured by Amazon in America. This was the catalyst for her career as a spiritual author, with many books published to date. Her life is now devoted to healing and...