North Wales Road Runners celebrated their 40th anniversary in Llandudno

*A group picture (*above) of some of the people who attended the 40th anniversary bash. Large turn-out for NWRRC's 40th anniversary gathering. Report by Don Hale. Exclusive photos by Steve Jeffery and John Hatton. There was a large turn-out of North Wales Road Runners both past and present as they celebrated their 40th anniversary gathering last Sunday afternoon in the rear garden at The Nevill on Vaughan Street, Llandudno. Club chairman Kevin Slattery welcomed all the visitors and running club members together with many family members, and spoke about his surprise that the club has continued to flourish over four decades since its initial formation with very limited facilities and optimism. He said he looked forward to the continued expansion of the membership and hoped the club would meet again for the 50th, 60th, plus other, additional, and future anniversaries. He said the club now had over 100 active me...