
Showing posts with the label parkrun update


LATEST PARKRUN NEWS - 8th May 2021. As we move through the reopening process for parkrun and junior parkrun, we are publishing a UK-specific update every Friday to keep ambassadors, event teams, parkrun communities, and landowners informed on our progress.  5k in England Itā€™s been another positive week as we continue to liaise with landowners for our 5k events in England, and receive more permissions for events to return on Saturday 5 June. At the time of writing we have received full or partial permission from landowners representing 135 events, with 232 in progress, and weā€™re waiting to hear from landowners for 213 events. We know that landowners have been under incredible pressure for over a year now, and in some cases where weā€™ve not heard back it may well be due to administrative delays, or incorrect contact details. Weā€™re working hard to get that right. With Saturday 5 June getting closer all the time however, and all parkrun communities requiring certainty around whethe...