North Wales results and photos - Inter-Regional 10k challenge with the Helena Tipping 10k at Wrexham.

*Team manager Paul Brooks (*above left) from NWRAC with the North Wales team at the Helena Tipping 10k at Wrexham and (*below) runners ready for the off at the start of the race. Results and photographs from the Helena Tipping 10k Inter-region race courtesy of Paul Brooks and Daniel Purdie. *North Wales Regional Runners at Wrexham (l-r) Steven Hays, Ricky Challinor and Luke Northall. *Pictured above (l-r) Daniel John Weston, Rachel Shipley, Gemma Moore, and Claire Purdie. *Pictured above (l-r), Amie Louise Smith, Jane Doughton, and Martha Owen. *Pictured above (l-r), Lucie Truett, runners dash from the start, and Ryan Davies.