A UNIQUE ALTERNATIVE TO SAFETY PINS for securing race numbers to clothing – No more pins, No more holes!

An inventive former runner designs unique alternative to safety pins for securing race numbers to clothing – No more pins, No more holes! Special feature report by Don Hale . *Including some examples of varied stock. https://donhaleblog.blogspot.com www.welshmastersathletics.co.uk An award-winning sports enthusiast, who is also a creative designer and inventor, has finally solved an age-old problem dating back more than a century, to finding a new and realistic alternative to using safety pins, whilst trying to attach a competitor’s race number to clothing. www.eventclip.net * PLEASE USE THIS UNIQUE COUPON CODE TO BENEFIT FROM SPECIAL DISCOUNT OFFERS : 45MBUAYZ The problem of athletes still using old-fashioned safety pins in this modern age at major athletics, cycling, triathlon, or sporting events, and the potential damage caused by them, was discussed live on BBC television recently by former Olympic champions Steve Cram and Mich...