
Showing posts with the label festive

Children's Short Story - Billy the Bright Blue Ball by Don Hale

  (1) B ILLY ā€“ the Bright Blue Ball - a children's story The first in a series of fictional short stories by Don Hale. BILLY woke with a start to the sound of a small boy tapping a coin on the shop window. As he slowly opened his heavy eyes, he could see someone staring back at him. It was unnerving. Billy was in the far corner of the window.  He felt rather uncomfortable and was perched on a soft pack of coloured plasticine, which was at precisely the same height as the boyā€™s eyes. Each day at exactly 4pm, this very same boy passed by the window with his mother on his home from school. It was an old-fashioned toy and gift shop in a small village on the Lleyn Peninsula. The window was a magnet for children of all ages. It seemed like an Aladdinā€™s cave packed full of goodies. It had everything from a wooden yo-yo, to a spinning top, an impressive Knightā€™s Castle, string puppets, metallic cranes, cloth dolls and a large electric train set. The train could be started by pressing ...