
Showing posts with the label marathon

Can you help young sportsmen and women in Gambia with any spare trainers or kit?

URGENT APPEAL TO HELP YOUNG SPORTSMEN AND WOMEN IN GAMBIA. Spare trainers, and sports kit urgently wanted for underprivileged athletes... Report by Don Hale.   North Wales Road Runner Steve Forsyth is appealing for any unwanted sports items including trainers, running t-shirts, vests, socks, shorts, unused gels, gloves, hats, and scarfs etc for use by underprivileged young athletes in Gambia. *Steve Forsyth (above) is appealing for trainers and kit for Gambia. Steve, who recently travelled to visit family and relatives in that country is urgently trying to fill a barrel load of equipment to send out there as soon as possible, and especially in time for potential participants in the local Banjul marathon. He confirmed: ā€˜Wanted please, your unwanted, or no longer used, menā€™s and womenā€™s trainers, together with any other unwanted sports gear.  ā€˜I am sending them to Gambia for people who canā€™t afford trainers. I am happy to collect from any corner of the UK and note that we a...

New PB for Martin Green as he dips under 16 mins in "Fast 5k" at Wigan

(Pictured above) Martin Green in NWRRC vest dipped under 16 minutes and claimed new personal best time in the "Fast 5k" race at Wigan. Paul Freary is at the head of the pack Report by Don Hale. Photographs by John Earlston. North Wales Road Runner Martin Green recorded an incredible personal best time (PB) at Wigan last Tuesday night in a high-quality 5k race, and just dipped under 16 minutes for the very first time. This event marked a fabulous performance from Martin who quickly hit top gear and accelerated away from the ā€œGreenā€ flag and burnt some rubber on the five-lap, Three Sisters go-cart track, to register an official time of 15 minutes 59 seconds.  Martin accelerated from the "Green" flag on the Three Sisters go-cart track It was a proud moment for the talented veteran athlete and marathon star, who later confirmed: ā€˜It was a ā€œFast 5kā€ event and included 5 x 1k laps, which was ideal. A PB, and my first time under 16 minutes. I was well chuffed to be honest,...

Martin gets Green light for Cheshire Elite Marathon

                                         *Martin Green set for elite marathon action Martin gets Green light for Cheshire Elite Marathon Reports by Don Hale North Wales marathon runner Martin Green will be competing in his first ā€˜liveā€™ marathon race for over six months this weekend during the Cheshire Elite Marathon events. This particular run, formerly part of the Wrexham Elite Marathon, was first devised last Spring when it became clear that some large city marathons and half marathons may not happen due to Covid-19 restrictions. The 7.59 lap race is open to male athletes capable of running 2:40 or quicker for a marathon and female athletes capable of running a sub 3:00 hour marathon, or the elite half-marathon equivalent (1:15 men and 1:30 women). Martin, who has previously won many prestigious road and marathon titles, easily met the elite criteria, and has been training hard for...