
Showing posts with the label 400th parkrun

PICTURE SPECIAL: Perfect weather for 400 plus runners as Conwy parkrun celebrated its 400th event.

*John Hatton and Conwy run director Gwyn Williams (back row, far left), with some of the many willing volunteers at the start and finish area. Perfect weather for 400 plus runners as Conwy parkrun celebrated its 400th event. Report by Don Hale. PICTURE SPECIAL by Don Hale   It was a perfect  morning at Conwy parkrun last Saturday morning with warm, bright sunshine, for over four-hundred athletes, walkers, and volunteers as they commemorated their 400th event. Blessed with unusually good weather, very little wind, and with an atmospheric touch of mist in the distance surrounding the iconic Conwy Castle, people from all parts of the country boosted the number of local entrants to this regular run, with everyone determined to enjoy and celebrate this special occasion. The event also helped to raise awareness of mental health issues and included a brief presentation by  Conwy Mind  at the start, who highlig...

More blue runners wanted for this Saturday at Conwy parkrun for International Nurses Day and the NHS.

More blue runners wanted for this Saturday at Conwy parkrun for International Nurses Day and the NHS. Report by Don Hale.   Following my previous blog report (*6/5/24), and my request for runners to wear something blue at Conwy parkrun on Saturday 18th May, to commemorate their 400th parkrun, we also have an excellent opportunity to show our support this week for the NHS and International Nursesā€™ Day, on Saturday 12th May at Conwy, with a similar request for runners to also wear something blue. Bethan Wyn Roberts  (*pictured above), has inquired: ā€œ Is it possible for you to put a shout out on your blog for  International Nurses Day , and to encourage people to run in blue to show their support for the NHS? ā€œInternational Nursesā€™ Day is actually on Sunday 12th May, but we will be celebrating at Conwy parkrun on this  Saturday 11th May . We would really appreciate anything you can do to make sure park runners are aware of wearing some...