Blustery winds for Road Runners at club’s Christmas handicap race - plus other results and New Year events.

*Members of NWRRC (*pictured above), prior to the start of the Christmas handicap race at West Shore. Blustery winds for Road Runners at club’s Christmas handicap other results and New Year events. Report by Don Hale. Main photos by Kevin Slattery and John Hatton. Twenty-five members of North Wales Road Runners took part in the annual Christmas handicap race last Sunday, but they had to battle with cool and very blustery head and sidewinds as they negotiated a challenging four-mile course along part of the Great Orme. Following a tough route out from West Shore and climbing up the Orme to the old WW2 gun sites and past what’s known as ‘ Millionaires Row ,’ the runners then turned via a further muddy track before returning back to the start. This popular event, well organised by John Hatton, Martin and Carla Green, and a team of willing volunteers and marshals attracted a bumper attendance, which in...