Llyr wins T2 Slateman Sprint Duathlon race - plus other race results.

*Llyr ApGeraint-Roberts (*above) crosses the finish line after winning his duathlon race at the Slateman challenge. Llyr wins T2 Slateman Sprint Duathlon race. Report by Don Hale. https://donhaleblog.blogspot.com www.welshmastersathletics.co.uk NWRRC member Llyr ApGeraint-Roberts came home in 1st place in the T2 classification of the Slateman Sprint Duathlon in the Snowdonia National Park last Saturday. Despite an undulating course, plus very warm and breezy conditions, Welsh Master and GB International athlete Llyr competed well throughout the event and recorded a time of 9 mins 11 secs for his first 2.36k run. This was followed by a 20.36k bike ride with 368m of elevation, which he completed in 44 mins and 53 secs; and then he followed this again with a second 5.59k run, including 198m of elevation, in 27 mins and 48 secs. His total time for the entire event including transition was shown as 1 hour, 23 minutes and 1 second. And after the race, Llyr confirmed: ...