
Showing posts from April, 2021

The future of Parkrun is at stake

               The future of Parkrun is at stake       Plea and update from Parkrun founder Paul Sinton-Hewitt Hi  Don , Ever since the first lockdown began I have been worried about whether or not parkrun would survive. I may have started the very first event back in 2004, but parkrun is something that belongs to all of us. Every volunteer; everyone who crosses that finish line; every seasoned participant and every first timer; all those who have yet to take part: we are all custodians of parkrun, of our own local community asset. I am writing to you today as we take an important step forward with our plans to reopen our 5k events across England. Whether or not your home event is in England, it is no exaggeration to say that the next few days and weeks will be critical for the entire parkrun movement.  With over 3 million folk registered to almost 1,000 junior and 5k events, in normal times parkrun in England represents c...

Are you able to take part in the Mayday Mile for the RNLI?

Are you able to take part in the Mayday Mile for the RNLI? This special fundraising event is open from now till 16th May and you can run it, walk it, or skip it, but however you do it, help to keep summer safe...and members of the North Wales Road Running Club are planning to do their bit for this worthy cause by completing a series of one-mile dashes on Llandudno prom this Sunday during a special relay challenge.  Several star athletes, fresh from their success last weekend at the Aintree Races, will be displaying their talents, with the event starting close to the RNLI boathouse from 10am.      *Some of the North Wales Road runners team. A Mayday is an urgent call for help. Usually, RNLI lifesavers answer mayday calls and go to rescue others. But this May, with the busiest summer season on the way, itā€™s they who need YOUR help. The Mayday Mile is a way to answer their call. Cover the distance however you like. Alone or with a friend. Just once or every da...

Hot pace for Martin Green in Cheshire Elite club runners return to live racing

Hot pace for Martin Green in Cheshire Elite Marathon... as club runners return to live racing Report by Don Hale   Top North Wales athlete Martin Green had to battle with hot temperatures and stiff competition as he returned to ā€˜liveā€™ racing on Sunday during the Cheshire Elite Marathon. A tough, determined and experienced long-distance competitor, Martin was one of 275 invited high-calibre entrants who competed in one of the first few live endurance runs now permitted in England due to the partial lifting of strict pandemic restrictions for outdoor sports events. Run over a fast and flat lapped course over rural Cheshire roads around Pulford, this race also incorporated the former Wrexham Elite Marathon,  with entry only available to male athletes capable of running 2.40 or quicker for a marathon, and female athletes running a sub-3.00-hour time. Martin matched this criteria and performed well despite the challenging conditions, and was 49 th  overall, recording an excell...

Helen celebrated virtual London Marathon charity debut

*Helen Hannam completed a successful charity marathon   Helen celebrated virtual London Marathon charity debut Report by Don Hale North Wales Road Runner Helen Hannam celebrated her marathon debut in style last Saturday in what she described as the ā€˜hardest day of her life,ā€™ bravely running 26.2 miles for charity in the virtual London Marathon. Helen had hoped to run her first race at this distance around the streets of the capital but due to Covid-19 restrictions, she had to plod the roads and cycle routes around her Llandudno home, backed at times by the generous support of several club members. Facing warm and breezy conditions, together with a challenging route from Abergele, and running via Colwyn Bay, Penrhyn Bay, West Shore, Llandudno Junction before eventually finishing on Llandudno Promenade, the popular athlete finally completed her arduous task in 5 hours 36 seconds. Helen particularly praised the backing of colleagues Marina Abed, Nicola Wylie Davies, Llinos Davies, Ell...

Martin gets Green light for Cheshire Elite Marathon

                                         *Martin Green set for elite marathon action Martin gets Green light for Cheshire Elite Marathon Reports by Don Hale North Wales marathon runner Martin Green will be competing in his first ā€˜liveā€™ marathon race for over six months this weekend during the Cheshire Elite Marathon events. This particular run, formerly part of the Wrexham Elite Marathon, was first devised last Spring when it became clear that some large city marathons and half marathons may not happen due to Covid-19 restrictions. The 7.59 lap race is open to male athletes capable of running 2:40 or quicker for a marathon and female athletes capable of running a sub 3:00 hour marathon, or the elite half-marathon equivalent (1:15 men and 1:30 women). Martin, who has previously won many prestigious road and marathon titles, easily met the elite criteria, and has been training hard for...

Final plans for ā€˜liveā€™ Nick Beer 10k race around the Great Orme

 *(Pictured above) Flashback to the start of a previous Nick Beer 10k Race restrictions lifted in Wales for ā€˜liveā€™ Nick Beer 10k race around the Great Orme - report by Don Hale. John and Kay Hatton, the race directors of the annual Nick Beer 10k race in Llandudno, now expect this yearā€™s event to go ahead as planned, and as a much anticipated ā€˜liveā€™ run in July, now that many restrictions have been lifted. John confirmed this week: ā€˜Kay and I have just attended a meeting with the SAG group (Safety Advisory Group) with Conwy Council. The meeting went extremely well, with only a few updates to our issued documentation.  ā€˜There were no issues on what we have proposed. We will now have to push the Welsh Assembly, and Welsh Athletics for the race to become a trial event.ā€™ This popular annual event always attracts many hundreds of runners of mixed ages and abilities from across the UK, and beyond, to enjoy the scenic splendours of a hilly but picturesque course around the Great Orme....